How to Select the Right DC Breaker for Your PV System?

Solar PV technology has revolutionized the way we generate electricity. Rooftop photovoltaic systems offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energy sources. By harnessing the power of the sun, these systems not only provide clean power but also reduce carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. However, to ensure the safe and efficient … Read more

Residual Current Device (RCD): Ensuring Electrical Safety in Your Home

A Residual Current Device (RCD), also known as a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in some regions, is an electrical safety device designed to quickly detect and interrupt electrical faults. Its primary function is to prevent electric shocks and reduce the risk of fires caused by faulty electrical equipment or wiring. The RCD constantly monitors … Read more

Why is a surge protector preceded by a fuse and a circuit breaker?

Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) are used to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge currents. They are primarily used in low-voltage power distribution and information systems for protection against lightning overvoltages, operational overvoltages, lightning electromagnetic pulses, and electromagnetic interference pulses. If protection against these overvoltages is required on the high-voltage side, lightning arresters are used. When the … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide on Choosing the Ideal Battery Breaker

Table of Contents What is a circuit breaker? A circuit breaker is a mechanical switch device that can connect, carry, and interrupt the current under normal circuit conditions. It can also connect, carry for a certain period, and interrupt the current under specified abnormal circuit conditions. It functions as a protector against short-circuits and overloads. Typically, … Read more

How to Choose Between Type A, B, C, and D Miniature Circuit Breakers?

(1) Type A circuit breaker With a nominal current twice the rated current, it is seldom used, generally for semiconductor protection (fuses are typically employed in most cases). This so-called “multiples of current” refers to the impact current that the switch can withstand for a certain duration without tripping; its characteristic is to avoid the impact … Read more